If this is the case, you are probably logged in with the wrong phone number. You can only view your tickets when logged in with the phone number you used when purchasing the tickets. In your confirmation e-mail you will find which phone number you used at that point.
Are you logged in with the wrong phone number? Please log out first. You can do this by clicking on the 3 lines at the top right of the screen, and then choosing 'log out'.
Then enter the correct phone number in the login screen and log in with the SMS code that you will receive.
No confirmation email received
Did you not receive a confirmation email? It could be that the payment has not been processed correctly. In exceptional cases, it may happen that the bank informs us that the payment has failed, but that it is processed correctly later. Often the transaction is correctly completed within the hour. Do you still not see tickets in your account after an hour? Please contact us.