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Buying tickets
Buying tickets
What you need to know before buying tickets.
Buying tickets
What do I need to buy tickets?
Which payment methods can I choose?
How many tickets can I order?
I don't have a smartphone. Can I still buy tickets with GUTS?
Can I receive an invoice?
Buying tickets on the GUTS ticket market
Create account / Log in
Why does my phone number not work?
How do I create an account?
I have not received the SMS code
Buying placed seats
Buying tickets for a seated event
How do I know for what section I want to buy tickets?
How does the queue work?
Will I receive a notification when it's my turn to buy tickets?
Can I refresh the page when I am in the queue?
I accidentally closed my browser/computer while I was in the queue. Did I lose my place in the queue?